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Ελληνική Μετανάστευση: Από Βίζες έως και την Υπηκοότητα

Η έναρξη ενός νέου κεφαλαίου στην Ελλάδα μπορεί να είναι συναρπαστική αλλά και δύσκολη λόγω των περίπλοκων νόμων μετανάστευσης. Στην Expat Law, οι δικηγόροι μας που μιλούν Αγγλικά διακρίνονται στο να απλοποιούν αυτές τις νομικές περιπλοκές. Είτε πρόκειται για βίζα, άδεια διαμονής, είτε για τη Χρυσή Βίζα της Ελλάδας, είμαστε αφοσιωμένοι σε μια ομαλή μετάβαση για όλες τις ανάγκες μετανάστευσής σας.

 Residence Permits and Greek Visa Applications

Navigating the application process for a Greek residence permit or visa can be daunting. Our knowledgeable attorneys provide comprehensive assistance, from the initial Greek entry visa application to securing your residence permit in Greece. Whether you’re an independent professional, a family planning to relocate, or a business looking to expand, we tailor our services to meet your specific circumstances and goals.

Greek Golden Visa

Explore the benefits of the Greek Golden Visa, an exceptional program designed for non-EU citizens looking to invest in Greece. By purchasing real estate or making significant financial investments, you can secure not only a Greek residence permit but also a pathway to residency in the European Union. Our experts are on hand to guide you through every step of the application process, ensuring compliance with all regulations and maximizing your investment benefits.

Digital Nomad Visa

Greece has become a hotspot for digital nomads, offering a specific visa that caters to those who work remotely and wish to live in Greece. Our services include helping you understand the prerequisites for the digital nomad visa and residence permit, ensuring that your application is flawless and fitted to your lifestyle. Live and work in the beauty of Greece, benefiting from our expertise to handle the legal intricacies.

 Financial Independence Permit for Retirees

For retirees looking to relish their post-work years in the tranquil beauty of Greece, obtaining a Financial Independence Permit (FIP) is an essential step. This permit is designed for non-EU nationals who can prove they have sufficient funds to support themselves without employment in Greece. Our firm specializes in facilitating this process, providing clear advice and handling all paperwork to ensure your application for the FIP is successful. We streamline your journey to a Greek retirement, so you can focus on enjoying the relaxed pace of life and stunning landscapes without any legal complexities.

Citizenship Issues

For those considering making Greece a permanent home, navigating citizenship issues is crucial. We provide expert advice on all aspects of citizenship by descent, residency or naturalization, helping you understand the complex criteria and processes involved. Our aim is to provide clear, actionable guidance that paves the way for a successful application.

Why Choose Us?

At Expat Law, we pride ourselves on delivering personalized, efficient, and comprehensive immigration services. Our dedication to staying abreast of the latest legal trends and our commitment to your success make us the ideal partner in your Greek immigration journey. Contact us today to discuss how we can assist you with your legal needs in Greece.


Κόνωνος 105

16231 Βύρωνας

Αθηνα, Ελλάδα

+30 6945551914

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